Monday, July 13, 2009

Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap

In the annals of history, few products stand the test of time. Boraxo powdered hand soap is one of those products.

Boraxo powdered hand soap has been around since the late 1880's and continues to provide the cleaning and scrubbing action that you just can't find in other soaps.

Ever since brothers Julius and Francis founded their borax mine in Nevada and drove the mule train – the origin of the famous 20 mule team that is the symbol of Boraxo - across the forbidding Nevada desert to deliver their borax, people have used Boraxo for a wide range of cleaning purposes.

While so many fad cleaning products have come and gone, Boraxo powdered hand soap stands the test of time just a like a great product should. When you use Boraxo soap, you are using a product tested by more than 100 years of time. In this day and age, Boraxo beats the odds and stays true to its humble beginnings rather than try to compete head on with flashier and more expensive products. So when you use Boraxo powdered hand soap, remember the tradition and history behind a great product.